Details will update soon.
OSP Journal of Gastroenterology is an open access, peer reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to publish articles related to the latest advancements in the field of Gastroenterology.
Gastroenterology is the branch of medicine focused on the digestive system and its disorders. The digestive tract that starts from the mouth and runs up to the anus, encompasses of various organs such as alimentary canal, esophagus, colon, rectum, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts, liver, duodenum, small intestine and large intestine. Gastroenterology deals with the functioning of each organ in the digestive system while focusing on various diseases that may attack them.
The aim of this journal is to provide a platform for research scholars and academicians around the globe to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in different fields of Gastroenterology. OSP Journal of Gastroenterology accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports, editorial commentary, short communication and etc.
OSP Journal of Gastroenterology invites the authors to submit the manuscripts at http://www.ospublishers.com/submission.php or send as an email attachment to the Editorial Office at submissions@ospublishers.com.
Details will update soon.
Assiatant Professor
University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Cluj-Napoca Surgical Clinic
Clinical Medicine
Department of Gastroenterology
(PLA General Hospital)
Department of Biomedical Sciences & Human Oncology
University of Aldo Moro
Assistant Professor
Department of Internal Medicine
University Hospital of Messina
Hepatology and Gastroenterology
Unit and Social Medicine Unit Perpignan Hospital,
Department of Medical Oncology
Venizeleio Hospital of Heraklion Crete
Emeritus Full Professor of Pediatrics & Clinical Pharmacology
Wroclaw Medical University
Associate Professor
Department of Faculty of Science
University of Jeddah
Saudi Arabia
Associate Professor
Department of Endemic Diseases and Gastroenterology
Minia University
Vaitiekunas L Caird S Eriksen D
Research Article - OSP Journal of Gastroenterology (JOG)
June 25, 2023
Articles will update soon.
Manuscripts submitted to this journal will be accepted on the understanding that the author has not previously submitted the paper to another journal or had the material published elsewhere.
OSP Journal of Gastroenterology invites the authors to submit their manuscript at http://www.ospublishers.com/submission.php or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office to submissions@ospublishers.com.
OSP Journal of Gastroenterology is organized by Open Scientific Publishers, a self-supporting organization and does not receive funding from any institution/government. Hence, the operation of the Journal is solely financed by the handling fees received from authors and some academic/corporate sponsors. The handling fees are required to meet maintenance of the journal. Authors of articles are required to pay a fair handling fee for processing their articles. However, there are no submission charges. Authors are required to make payment only after their manuscript has been accepted for publication.